National Knowledge Commission

India has a National Knowledge Commission. From its main page:

The National Knowledge Commission is a high-level advisory body to the Prime Minister of India, with the objective of transforming India into a knowledge society. It covers sectors ranging from education to e-governance in the five focus areas of the knowledge paradigm: ‘Access’ easy access to knowledge / ‘Concepts’ all levels and forms of education / ‘Creation’ effective creation of knowledge / ‘Applications’ of knowledge systems / ‘Services’ like e-governance

The Commission recently submitted a report [PDF] to the government on education, critical of the current situation in many respects and making such bold recommendations as the creation of 50 national universities — 10 in the next three years. The report addresses legal education on pages 45 – 48.


  1. If asked to mention one of the achievements of present Manmohan Singh’s Government in India, something which truly defy the test of times and come at par with other eccentric moves towards development of the country, I would be quick to point out the establishment of the ‘National Knowledge Commission of India’. It has really been a boon under the wide powers vested under the Constitution with which the executive governments in India have come out with such commissions on regular basis, which have led defining movements in Indian history and I am sure that the Knowledge Commission would only further the trend.

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