
Tips Tuesday

Here are excerpts from the most recent tips on SlawTips, the site that each week offers up useful advice, short and to the point, on technology, research and practice.


Protect Your Smartphone or Tablet With a Good Case
Dan Pinnington

It takes just one accidental drop to kill an iPad or smartphone. And unfortunately, if the glass cracks, they are difficult or even impossible to repair. To prevent this from happening you want to protect your device with a good case. But there are cases and there are cases. Pretty but flimsy plastic cases will do little to protect your device if you drop it. You need to invest in a good case….


Calculating Dates
Shaunna Mireau

Some of the high use items linked from our firm’s intranet are calculators. I am not talking about the e-quivalent of a device that helps find the square root of 9*, but rather tools that help calculate things for context. We have tipped you previously on calculating present value and currency calculators but we haven’t talked about date calculators….


Your Wireless Dead-Spots Can Actually Get a Life
Garry Wise

Do you have wireless dead zones in your office or home where your signal weakens or even drops? Well, good news is on the way. You can breathe immediate new life into your Wi-Fi coverage with a wireless range extender. They come in various shapes and forms. Some plug into your electrical outlets and use your internal electrical wiring to carry signal, while others simply plug-in to your wall outlet, and connect wirelessly in a snap to your router….

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