
Tips Tuesday

Here are excerpts from the most recent tips on SlawTips, the site that each week offers up useful advice, short and to the point, on practice, research, writing and technology.

Research & Writing

Neil Guthrie

Slanted type like this, with a number of distinct uses. Used in these posts to set off a word or phrase that is being discussed. Quotation marks would serve that purpose just as well, although things might look a bit cluttered and fussy. …


Slaw Tips Reaches 1000 Tips!

As noted on Slaw – this week, Slaw Tips reached a big milestone: 1000 tips! From the Slaw post: Launched in 2011, the site’s very first tips dealt with turning off pop-up email notifications, finding moved web pages and preventing your firm’s star performers from being poached–all still relevant today. …

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