
Biblioacid is a French weblog, in French, natch, on IT and libraries. In its own (English) words:

Biblioacid is a weblog focused on libraries and technologies, led by 2 French librarians. We aim to inform our French colleagues about what’s going on in librarianship abroad today, to give our opinion about the changes occuring in the library world, and (why not?) to give French-reading librarians abroad an insight of librarianship from a French perspective. Biblioacid is combined with a pdf-formatted e-zine issued every other month (more or less).

All comments, suggestions and contributions are most welcome…

It’s always a good idea to get another perspective, no? And one that isn’t law-based.

Anyone wanting to make a contribution can get in touch with Marlène Delhaye [marlene point delhaye a gmail point com] [aim: ebibliothecaire] at the Université d’Aix-Marseille or Nicolas Morin [nicolas point morin a gmail point com] [aim: nicomo33] at the Université d’Angers.

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