We Seem to Be Worth $4,084.20
I stumbled on an odd site that values Blogs – and who knows what the methodology is but it values slaw at $4,084.20
Funny that it doesn’t know what industry we’re in.
At the base of the page is its valuation of our links out.
. . . [more]Top 100 Incoming Links
This is a list of the most valuable incoming links at the time OTHER blogs are indexed. It is indicative of FUTURE value not CURRENT value.Xanada (B$1,086.76)
Vancouver Law Librarian Blog (B$939.06)
excited utterances (B$325.98)
CS-SIS Blawgs Committee (B$296.85)
Stark County Law Library Blawg (B$185.51)
Connie Crosby (B$124.28)