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This Week’s Links: 051223
- LexisNexis Increases Web Visibility of Canadian Lawyers and Law Firms
- LexisNexis Provides Free Legal Resource for Canadians
- Introduction to Canadian Law
- The Lawyers Weekly
- Carswell has been recognized
- RoB Magazine listing
- Canada Law Book greeting cards
- Christmas Legal Greeting Card.
- The’s AJ Blogs
- Alex Ross: The Rest Is Noise
- Naxos Web Radio
- Iridian Radio
- Exactitudes
- artforms of nature
- Vivienne Westwood create-a-tartan website
- recipe for cassoulet
- Paula Wolfert: The Cooking of South West France: searching for the authentic cassoulet
- interview with Paula Wolfert
- Legal Studies Forum: R. G. Wright, The Pale Cast of Thought
- Bruce clan tartan
- Pete’s Pond
- R. v. Kouri
- R v. Labaye
- CBA National, December 2005
- Canadian Bar Association
- University of Windsor law
- current edition of the Law Library Journal
- American Association of Law Libraries
- Law Library Journal, “Persistent Identification of Electronic Documents and the Future of Footnotes”
- Law Library Journal, “The Death of the Digest and the Pitfalls of Electronic Research: What Is the Modern Legal Researcher to Do?”
- AustLII: Francis John, “Citator Wars–tracing the golden web online: the US experience”
- CTV: New Laws Making Arctic Campaigning Difficult
- S.C. 2003, c. 19 (Bill C-24, 2003)
- Canada Elections Act, S.C. 2000, c. 9
- Income Tax Act, R.S.C. 1985 (5th Supp), c. 1
- CBC: NDP Nunavut candidate drops out
- UBC Law Library
- The British Columbia Reports (1867-1946)
- Notary Foundation
- Society of Notaries Public of B.C.
- British Columbia Courthouse Library Society
- UBC Archives
- Infotangle: The fHive Mind: Folksonomies and User-Based Tagging
- Current Cites
- Infotangle
- Jakob Nielsen on One Billion Internet Users
- Wikipedia: Timbits
- R. v. Chan, 2005 ABQB 615 (CanLII).
- Wikipedia: world population
- Information Week: Weakness in Firefox
- Wikilaw
- Wikilaw: contracts
- P.W. Martin, Introduction to Basic Legal Citation
- Wikipedia: Case Citation
- Australian Guide to Legal Citation
- McGill Law Journal: about the Cite guide
- Dennis Kennedy, “Legal Technology Predictions for 2006: Small Steps for Most Firms, Giant Leaps for a Few Firms”
- U.S. Supreme Court Opinions
- Top Legal Issues of 2005
- New Yorker, “BlackBerry Picking”
- collapse of the BCCI brought by Deloittes on behalf of BCCI investors against the Bank of England, which collapsed after 12 years
- A (FC) and others (FC) (Appellants) v. Secretary of State for the Home Department
- Chaoulli v. Quebec (Attorney General)
- Bangoura v. Washington Post appeal
- la Commission d’enquête sur le programme de commandites et les activités publicitaires
- L’actualité.com: «J’ai perdu de mon innocence»
- The Register: $10m for a Wikipedia for grown-ups
- Digital Universe
- Working Smart: The death of traditional book publishing
- BookCrossing
- Kauffman Foundation: Higher education and the IT industry address open software research
- Open Collaborative Software Research Guideline [pdf]
- Yahoo Finance: Thomson West Company Profile
- InformationWeek: The ASP Approach: Experience Equals New Products
- LawTechnologyNews: WestWorks Melds Into ProLaw
- On Business: Thomson West becomes the go-to firm for online legalese
- Law Office Computing: “Michael Wilens: Seven Years Later”
- SurfWax Publishing News
- Freivogel on Conflicts
- Michael Geist’s personal blog
- the Canadian Privacy Law Blog
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