This Week’s Links: 051223

  2. LexisNexis Increases Web Visibility of Canadian Lawyers and Law Firms
  3. LexisNexis Provides Free Legal Resource for Canadians
  4. Introduction to Canadian Law
  5. The Lawyers Weekly
  6. Carswell has been recognized
  7. RoB Magazine listing
  8. Canada Law Book greeting cards
  9. Christmas Legal Greeting Card.
  10. The’s AJ Blogs
  11. Alex Ross: The Rest Is Noise
  12. Naxos Web Radio
  13. Iridian Radio
  14. Exactitudes
  15. artforms of nature
  16. Vivienne Westwood create-a-tartan website
  17. recipe for cassoulet
  18. Paula Wolfert: The Cooking of South West France: searching for the authentic cassoulet
  19. interview with Paula Wolfert
  20. Legal Studies Forum: R. G. Wright, The Pale Cast of Thought
  21. Bruce clan tartan
  22. Pete’s Pond
  23. R. v. Kouri
  24. R v. Labaye
  25. CBA National, December 2005
  26. Canadian Bar Association
  27. University of Windsor law
  28. current edition of the Law Library Journal
  29. American Association of Law Libraries
  30. Law Library Journal, “Persistent Identification of Electronic Documents and the Future of Footnotes”
  31. Law Library Journal, “The Death of the Digest and the Pitfalls of Electronic Research: What Is the Modern Legal Researcher to Do?”
  32. AustLII: Francis John, “Citator Wars–tracing the golden web online: the US experience”
  33. CTV: New Laws Making Arctic Campaigning Difficult
  34. S.C. 2003, c. 19 (Bill C-24, 2003)
  35. Canada Elections Act, S.C. 2000, c. 9
  36. Income Tax Act, R.S.C. 1985 (5th Supp), c. 1
  37. CBC: NDP Nunavut candidate drops out
  38. UBC Law Library
  39. BCCLS
  40. The British Columbia Reports (1867-1946)
  41. Notary Foundation
  42. Society of Notaries Public of B.C.
  43. British Columbia Courthouse Library Society
  44. UBC Archives
  45. Infotangle: The fHive Mind: Folksonomies and User-Based Tagging
  46. Current Cites
  47. Infotangle
  48. Jakob Nielsen on One Billion Internet Users
  49. Wikipedia: Timbits
  50. R. v. Chan, 2005 ABQB 615 (CanLII).
  51. Wikipedia: world population
  52. Information Week: Weakness in Firefox
  53. Wikilaw
  54. Wikilaw: contracts
  55. P.W. Martin, Introduction to Basic Legal Citation
  56. Wikipedia: Case Citation
  57. Australian Guide to Legal Citation
  58. McGill Law Journal: about the Cite guide
  59. Dennis Kennedy, “Legal Technology Predictions for 2006: Small Steps for Most Firms, Giant Leaps for a Few Firms”
  61. U.S. Supreme Court Opinions
  62. Top Legal Issues of 2005
  63. New Yorker, “BlackBerry Picking”
  64. collapse of the BCCI brought by Deloittes on behalf of BCCI investors against the Bank of England, which collapsed after 12 years
  65. A (FC) and others (FC) (Appellants) v. Secretary of State for the Home Department
  66. Chaoulli v. Quebec (Attorney General)
  67. Bangoura v. Washington Post appeal
  68. la Commission d’enquête sur le programme de commandites et les activités publicitaires
  69. L’actualité.com: «J’ai perdu de mon innocence»
  70. The Register: $10m for a Wikipedia for grown-ups
  71. Digital Universe
  73. Working Smart: The death of traditional book publishing
  74. BookCrossing
  75. Kauffman Foundation: Higher education and the IT industry address open software research
  76. Open Collaborative Software Research Guideline [pdf]
  77. Yahoo Finance: Thomson West Company Profile
  78. InformationWeek: The ASP Approach: Experience Equals New Products
  79. LawTechnologyNews: WestWorks Melds Into ProLaw
  80. On Business: Thomson West becomes the go-to firm for online legalese
  81. Law Office Computing: “Michael Wilens: Seven Years Later”
  82. SurfWax Publishing News
  83. Freivogel on Conflicts
  84. Michael Geist’s personal blog
  85. the Canadian Privacy Law Blog

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