Canada’s online legal magazine.

Archive for December, 2005

Some Stocking Stuffers

…and Hanukkah gifts.

To get away from “the pale cast of thought” that researchers suffer from at times, I thought I’d post about some sensual matters that have nothing to do with law. Herewith some little goodies that have come my way recently:

  • The’s AJ Blogs lead off, because we’re a blog, after all. Here you’ll find blogs by interesting experts on all the arts from architecture through jazz to the visual arts.
  • Alex Ross: The Rest Is Noise: “Articles, a blog, and a book-in-progress by the music critic of The New Yorker” says it all, nearly. He’s
. . . [more]
Posted in: Miscellaneous

CBA National Letter to Editor on LRW

I was pleased to note that page 8 of the December 2005 edition of the Canadian Bar Association glossy magazine entitled National printed a letter to the editor from a University of Windsor law student who responded to the piece in the previous month’s edition that included a roundtable on LRW that I moderated. The roundtable article on LRW lamented that many law students do not receive proper LRW education and that many of them do no know the Canadian Abridgment or Halsbury’s Laws of England. The letter from the law student stated that Windsor has a strong LRW . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

More on Linkrot

Further to an earlier post I made on SLAW on the topic of linkrot (i.e., the problem of references in scholarly publications to websites that no longer have valid URLs), the current edition of the Law Library Journal from the American Association of Law Libraries also has a nice article on the topic of linkrot – see:

Susan Lyons, “Persistent Identification of Electronic Documents and the Future of Footnotes” (2005) 97(4) Law Lib. J. 681 [available in full-text, PDF, 14 pages].

. . . [more]
Posted in: Miscellaneous

Full-Text Versus Digest Searching

The current edition of the Law Library Journal from the American Association of Law Libraries has a nice article that documents a recent study testing the search behaviours of law students – see:

Lee F. Peoples, “The Death of the Digest and the Pitfalls of Electronic Research: What Is the Modern Legal Researcher to Do?” (2005) 97(4) Law Lib. J. 661 [available in full-text, PDF, 19 pages].

The study supports the suspicion that many law students go directly to full-text searching and overlook the use and advantages of digests (such as the West key numbering system, equivalent to . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

New Election Laws Create Arctic Campaign Challenges

A recent Canadian Press story posted on the CTV News website, New Laws Making Arctic Campaigning Difficult, addresses the difficulties federal election candidates are facing in the Canadian north as a result of changes to election laws passed in 2003: S.C. 2003, c. 19 (Bill C-24, 2003), amending the Canada Elections Act, S.C. 2000, c. 9 and the Income Tax Act, R.S.C. 1985 (5th Supp), c. 1 . Notably, campaign contribution limits set at $1,000 per company have limited the free flights candidates can accept, making travel to actually campaign a real difficulty.

From the article:

“The new

. . . [more]
Posted in: Miscellaneous

British Columbia Reports Online

The digitalization of legacy report series continues! A new joint project involving both UBC Law Library and the BCCLS has been launched to make The British Columbia Reports (1867-1946) available electronically:

Clipped from the collection website:

The British Columbia Reports is a law report series that was first published in 1884 by the Law Society of British Columbia, with judgments dating back to 1867. The series ceased publication in 1948. This collection includes the full text of all decisions published in the series.

The Reports, as a body of work, contains important social and legal history of this

. . . [more]
Posted in: Miscellaneous

Folksonomy Again

The Hive Mind: Folksonomies and User-Based Tagging by Ellyssa Kroski, is an overview piece on tagging that might be useful if one had to explain it to someone who doesn’t travel the web very often. I still think that tagging is worth thinking about from within law, though I don’t yet see how it will come to be.

The piece (referenced in Current Cites), is the first item in a new weblog by the author called Infotangle. Kroski is a reference librarian at Columbia University and a technology consultant. Worth watching, perhaps. . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

One Billion Internet Users

Fascinating discussion by Jakob Nielsen on One Billion Internet Users of the growth of the Web and the implications of having passed the billionth user.

The Internet is growing at an annualized rate of 18% and now has one billion users. A second billion users will follow in the next ten years, bringing a dramatic change in worldwide usability needs.

Nielsen’s report is worth reading in full, but a few Timbits:For our readers outside British North America, the cultural reference to Timbits is explained here in the Wikipedia, which for once is reliable. There are even pictures of this . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous


Well, I got curious after that last post and soon discovered that there is a Wikilaw at

According to this website, its mission is “to build the largest open-content legal resource in the world.” The site encourages all law professors, practitioners, and students to share their knowledge.” The founders of the site appear to be two graduates of a New York law school.

There does not appear to be a lot of substantive content on the site. For example, under the “treatises” section for “contracts” there is a table of contents with headings but no content – see: . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

Legal Citation Online

One of the most frequent questions law students ask about legal research is whether the “McGill Guide” is online. Of course it is not. There is, however, an online “American” citation guide – Peter W. Martin’s Introduction to Basic Legal Citation at– but this does not have Canadian content.

In checking out Wikipedia on various legal research related topics, I see that they have a good article entitled “Case Citation” at which, although emphasizing US case citation, does provide examples of Canadian, British, Australian and NZ case citations. Unfortunately, there is a comma missing in . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous