This Week’s Links: 060421

  1. Well-Tempered Clavier
  2. The Billable Hour Clock
  3. Ontario Legislative Assembly
  4. Ontario Public Bills Index
  5. Ontario Bills Before the House
  6. IMA (Internet Marketing Attorney) Awards for 2006/07
  7. Internet Marketing Attorney M. Buchdahl
  8. Internet Marketing Attorney: International Firm Reviews from 2004-05
  9. Clark Wilson
  10. The Williams Law Firm: J. Williams
  11. Law Office of Robert J. Ambrogi
  12. Legal Talk Network: Lawyers’ Websites
  14. FindLaw
  15. PaperStreet Web Design
  16. Dennis Kennedy
  17. ABA Techshow: Ladies and Gents, In this Corner, Microsoft and in this Corner, Google
  18. T. Friedman, “The World is Flat”
  19. DUI Blog
  20. Construction law blog
  21. Video Game Law Blog
  22. Financial Institution Law Blog
  23. Beyond Structured Settlements
  24. Between Lawyers
  25. Dennis
  26. Legal Sanity
  27. Inter Alia
  28. Robert Ambrogi’s Law Sites
  29. How Appealing
  30. beSpacific
  31. Jim Calloway’s Law Practice Tips
  32. Reid My Blog
  33. Law Tech Guru
  34. Internet Archive
  35. Internet Archive texts: Canadian Libraries
  36. Internet Archive texts: W. Riddell, “The Legal Profession in Upper Canada in its Early Periods”
  37. Internet Archive texts: Montesquieu, “The Spirit of Laws”
  38. Internet Archive texts: Volume 5 of the Canada Gazette – January to June 1872
  39. Internet Archive texts: The constables’ manual : containg a summary of the law relating to the duties of constables, being a revision of Jones’ Constables’ manual
  40. Public Health Agency of Canada
  41. Public Health Agency of Canada: travel advisory cautioning Canadians about travel to Iowa
  42. CTV News: mumps outbreak
  43. Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade: Travel Report for the U.S.
  44. World Health Organization: United States information page
  45. Public Health Agency of Canada: mumps
  46. Corte Suprema di Cassazione
  47. BBC News: Italy confirms Prodi poll victory
  48. AGI Online: Bondi: Prodi Governing, Berlusconi President, Or Vice Versa
  49. La Stampa Web: La Cassazione conferma l’esito delle elezioni
  50. Wikipedia: Corte Suprema di Cassazione
  51. Administration of Justice and Judicial function
  52. University of Toronto Faculty of Law: Faculty Blog
  53. Globe and Mail
  54. Globe and Mail: Canadian Almanac leaves for the U.S.
  55. The Canadian Almanac and Directory
  56. ProQuest
  57. The Law Commission: “Crossing Borders: Law in a Globalized World” [pdf]
  58. The Law Commission: “Crossing Borders: Law in a Globalized World”
  59. ABC News: Pamela Anderson Calls for End to Seal Hunt
  60. Constitution Act
  61. Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
  62. Fox Broadcasting Company: 24
  63. Adobe: PDF files
  64. Gmail
  65. Boing Boing: Use Gmail to break PDF
  66. Firefox: PDF download extension
  67. 3L Epiphany
  68. 3L Epiphany: Justice Judith Lanzinger (Ohio Sup. Ct.): “The Future Will Belong to the Flexible”
  69. 3L Epiphany: Judge Richard Kopf (D. Nebraska): Legal Blogs Will Fill the Practicality Gap
  70. Information Management Now
  71. Family Law Update [podcasts]
  72. HM Revenue and Customs: The Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003 – Post-implementation review [pdf]
  73. U.K. Taxes Act 2002: “expenses necessarily incurred and defrayed from official emoluments”
  74. U.K. Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003: “fixed sum deductions from earnings payable out of public revenue”
  75. The Chartered Institute of Taxation: Tax Law Rewrite
  76. TIME Finance: Jeffery P. Owens
  77. A brave try [pdf]
  78. BASE
  79. Ross Mayfield’s Weblog: Manage Knowledgement
  80. Ross Mayfield’s Weblog
  81. E L S U A ~ A KM Blog: Management Knowledgement (MK) – When Are We Going to Learn?
  82. Wikipedia: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
  83. Information Management Now: Knowledge Management As… Another Discipline
  84. LLRX: C. Crosby: Librarian on the Verge of KM
  85. Newsmakers of the Week [pdf]
  86. Wikipedia: Pamela Anderson
  87. Wikipedia: Stephen Harper
  88. Law Commission of Canada
  89. Times Online: Law reform and human rights — Scarman’s great legacy
  90. Justice Michael Kirby: lecture: Law Reform & Human Rights – Scarman’s Great Legacy [Word doc]
  91. Wikipedia: Law Commission
  92. George Jonas: Sex appeal a fickle bedfellow at election time for Canada’s leaders
  93. Yahoo News: Harper’s confession of amorous awkwardness draws guffaws from wife
  94. Edited Hansard: Number 003 (Official Version)
  95. Representative Poetry Online: T. Eliot, “Whispers of Immorality”
  96. Anderson urges Harper to accept seal hunt offer
  97. Stand Up For Canada: Harper Lays Out Five Key Priorities for Canada
  98. University of Western Ontario Faculty of Law: Distinguished Speaker The Honourable Vic Toews, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
  99. Department of Justice newsroom: Speech for the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, Vic Toews, Q.C. 12 April 2006
  100. N.Y. Times: This Boring Headline Is Written for Google
  101. Department of Justice newsroom: Speech for the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, Vic Toews, Q.C. 3 April, 2006
  102. Saksham
  103. BBC News: Indians ‘want hi-tech products’
  104. Globe and Mail Technology: Holographic disc drives add storage dimension
  105. InPhase Technologies
  106. InPhase Technologies: Press Release: Half-Terabit Per Square Inch Data Density From Inphase Technologies Breaks All Records
  107. InPhase Technologies: promo movie [mov]

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