Slaw Theme Week, April 24 – April 28: Copyright

Starting tomorrow, Monday April 24, we’re initiating our first theme week here at Slaw. The theme is copyright, and our hope is that many if not most of the posts made this week will explore this topic. I’m imagining that some will point to research resources on copyright that might not be common knowledge and that others will tackle issues of how copyright affects legal research, particularly as done with IT. But whatever their approach, theme week posts will sport this logo in the upper left-hand corner of the post:

At the end of the week, we’ll gather them all together and stash them in a place where you’ll find them when copyright becomes an issue you want to think about again in the future.

We have a couple of guest experts lined up to kick things off on Monday and Tuesday, and we’d love to hear from others of you for whom copyright is a passion, a puzzle or an irritation.

Even if you’re not (yet) a member of Slaw, feel free to submit a post: just send it to me at and I’ll take it from there. And please comment on any post that catches your interest, by clicking on the “comment” link at the bottom of every entry.

We hope to do this perhaps once every couple of months or so, and we’d love to hear from you as to topics that would interest you for future theme weeks. So let us know.

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