Copyright… the Journal

There’s a new kid on the block. Copyright isn’t just the topic of Slaw’s theme week; it’s also the succinct title of a new journal. This should go on Simon Chester’s list, but it also deserves a notice all of its own. Here’s what the journal has to say about itself:

Copyright is an open-access, peer-reviewed, non-profit journal which focuses on rapidly reviewing, publishing, and disseminating scholarly analysis and commentary in the field of intellectual property, its Internet-era implications and quantitative effects. Copyright unites fields as disparate as law, statistics, and marketing around a common theme of IP by publishing articles of exceptional academic value to the community of scholars and the public interest.

The editorial team is impressive — two Canadians, for one thing, and Larry Lessig for another:

Rosemary J. Coombe, York University
Peter S. Fader, U. Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business
Michael Geist, University of Ottawa
William M. Landes, U. Chicago Law
Lawrence Lessig, Stanford Law
Stan Liebowitz, University of Texas–Dallas
William F. Patry, Thelen Reid & Priest; Georgetown Law Center; Cardozo Law
Madhavi Sunder, U.C. Davis Law

Right now they’re calling for papers, help with code (Steven and Patrick note: they’re using Drupal), and generally for the involvement of people with innovative ideas. And speaking of innovation, one section of the journal site is a wiki, where people can collaborate on articles or work publicly in fits and starts; right now it’s seeded with more than a dozen starting ideas. Go have a look. Write something. Subscribe to their feeds. This, too, is Law 2.0.


  1. Thanks Simon – I finally got around checking it out and posted over there: I’m facing a similar dilemma (MediaWiki + Drupal, etc.). Thanks for bringing this!

  2. Thanks also from me Simon — this looks like a really interesting development, and one that I will be bringing to the attention of relevant academics here at Monash Law. The journal’s intended mix of high quality publication and collaborative dynamic authoring sounds well geared to both new technologies and modern thinking. Cheers