Canada’s online legal magazine.

Archive for May, 2006

Living the Future

Living the Future is a conference for collaborative thinking about the future. The participants are those directly involved in planning, challenging, and living the future. The 6th conference was held in April at the University of Arizona. The conference proceedings can be found at: . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

Smelling Copyright

I’d been unaware of the new web-based publication, Law in Firm which was released last week by the Village-Justice portal, and an article by Pierre Breese on the protection of scents by copyright, spring from a January appellate court decision involving Oreal and Bellure. Perfumes are creative works, and their authors are entitled to protectionLest you think that scents are trivial Dr. Alan Hirsch of the Smell and Taste Research Foundation in Chicago claims that women’s bowling scores can be increased 27% by the smell of jasmine..

This follows an earlier Dutch decision in Lancome v. KecofaLancôme . . . [more]

Posted in: Substantive Law

Last Week’s Theme Week

This is simply a quick note to say that Slaw’s first Theme Week must be counted a success. Guest posters Michael Geist and David Vaver gave us generously of their talent; all posts were interesting and helpful; and the comments came not just from regular readers but also from a few we haven’t heard from before. In the next little while I’m going to be gathering up the copyright material into a handy package and I’ll put a link to it in the sidebar when I’m done. Thanks again to all who contributed. . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

The New Wave of Summer Students

Is about to arrive and law librarians and research lawyers will soon be delivering advice by the bucketful of how private practice differs from law school. Compare the view from the academy with the view from outside, the Top 10 Things Law Librarians Want New Associates to Know.

But these are American views: what practical bits of research advice – both positive and negative – do you want to pass on to the summer bunnies via Slaw? . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous