Canada’s online legal magazine.

Archive for May, 2006

CLA Standing Committee on Intellectual Property and Public Access

The CLA Standing Committee on Intellectual Property and Public Access – International Trade Treaties Working Group has two documents that should be of interest to SLAWers: their report on the WTO/TRIPS agreement, which concludes that the agreement is not especially hostile to balanced domestic copyright legislation, and advises so-called “user groups” and other advocating for balance to confront claims that “international agreements” require extension of ownership domain. The Working Group has also created a GATS and Libraries Pathfinder to assist information retrieval.
Thanks to Lindsay Johnston of the U of A for this. . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

Montenegro Law

Well it seems official after the weekend’s vote (barring a re-count) that Montenegro is the world’s newest country, pretty much completing the break-up of the old Yugoslavia (although Kosovo’s status has yet to be resolved). I did some checking this morning to see what law-related resources exist for the new soon-to-be country and it looks like some work needs to be done. Most links are still under the heading for Serbia-Montenegro, which was the latest name for the surviving Yugoslav rump, consisting of a federation of the two entities so that will need to be changed. The link from WorldLII . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

Legal Indexing

In the world of legal research, we often take indexes for granted. Alice JanischThanked by David Mullan for a great index to his adminstrative law text. taught me years ago at CLIC that the contribution an intelligent indexer can make to improving the accessibility of legal information is extraordinary.

My single favourite case research tool is the Index to the All England Law Reports, a topical index with multiple cross-references that permits me to see in less than five minutes just how English law has evolved on a particular topic. Much faster than Halsbury’s Laws, even in its electronic . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

The Friday Fillip

I love a clean legal pad, and, it seems, so do millions of other people.

I’ll choose yellow over white, because, well, white just isn’t the same.

Maybe it’s more restful on the eyes. Maybe it’s more stimulating than white.

Whatever the reason, a fresh legal pad — can be 8 1/2 by 11, though —

and a newly sharpened number 2 Ticonderoga, and I’m ready for bear.

Or nifty doodles.

There’s a history to legal pads, so I learn. Old Yeller: The illustrious history

of the yellow legal pad by Suzanne Snider in Legal Affairs of last year


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Posted in: Miscellaneous

Keeping Up With Web 2.0

Simon Fodden’s last post reminded me of a question that someone asked me at the CALL conference: how do you keep up with Web 2.0? In other words, what current awareness sources do I use to stay current on new Web 2.0 applications and other developments?

My general answer is that I read a variety of blogs and surf the web. But I’m not sure that I really truly stay on top of things; I still feel like I hear about most things third-hand.

Is there a better answer? Are there any fantastic e-zines or blogs that are really “tapped . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous


Earlier this week my colleague and I here at the Dal Law Library played a large role in organizing and orchestrating Professional Development Day for the Faculty of Law this year. The theme this year was technology and it was our goal to expose our faculty to some of the tools that are emerging that they could utilize inside (and outside) the classroom. We didn’t do anything that would be revolutionary to Slaw-ers but when dealing with a group with diverse technological capabilities our goal was exposure. We covered video conferencing, podcasting, surveys of students technological wants and needs, search . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous


A link in a recent post by Patrick Cormier — La pratique du droit | Comment exploiter les technologies web 2.0? — led me to ajaxWrite and a cluster of other Web 2.0 applications. AjaxWikipedia: “Ajax, shorthand for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is a Web development technique for creating interactive web applications.”Write seeks to be a fully-fledged word processor the latest version of which is always and everywhere available to you, no matter what platform you’re using, and free. (It only works with Firefox, though, so to test it you IE users sneak off to that special machine . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

Global Legal Monitor

Everyone’s reporting this, but just in case someone in our broadcast area hasn’t heard: The Library of Congress is publishing a Global Legal Monitor every month:

The Global Legal Monitor, an electronic publication of the Law Library of Congress, is intended for those who have an interest in legal developments from around the world…

This online publication will be updated frequently, drawing upon information selected from the Global Legal Information Network, official national legal publications, and reliable press sources. Occasionally, a special section may be added to include lectures, conferences, symposia, and exhibits on timely legal topics sponsored by the

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Posted in: Miscellaneous