Jordan Furlong Will Guest Blog
Dear Slawyers, we have a treat in store: Jordan Furlong will add his voice to ours as a guest blogger for next week.
As everyone will know, Jordan is Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Bar Association’s National, a magazine he’s completely redesigned. But, as they say on TV, wait, there’s more. Most recently he led the team which published Innovaction, the College of Law Practice Management Ezine on Innovation in the Legal Profession, blogged about in Slaw. This feat led him to be honoured in San Francisco two weeks ago as an Honorary Fellow of the College of Law Practice Management, the first such this decade and the first non-American to be so honoured.
A proud Newfoundlander (is there any other kind?), he took his undergraduate degree at Memorial University and his law degree at Queen’s. After articling at Blakes, he turned to journalism, spending almost three years at The Lawyer’s Weekly as a writer and editor. Jordan’s no stranger to blogging, having started The Battersbox, a cooperative weblog about baseball, the only human activity slower and more complicated than law. (This was way back in 2002, mind, when blogging was way out on the edge.)
Although next week’s not a theme week, Jordan will post on and around the topic of “Designing the 21st Century Lawyer,” exploring the ways in which lawyers can and must adjust their game in order to be competitive, effective, successful and happier in the coming years.
Enjoy. Join in. There’s a journalist in the house.
Thrilled to have a true voice of Newfoundland chiming in. Of course, Jordan’s not quite a stranger to Slaw, having been mentioned five times already.
I am sharpening my pencil in anticipation.
Thanks very much, Simon (and to Steve Matthews, too) for the kind invitation and even kinder introduction. I’m really looking forward to guest-blogging next week, and I’m particularly interested in feedback from SLAW writers and readers. The posts I have in mind are conversation-starters, and I’d really appreciate your thoughts on them.
One quick clarification to the intro — I was a mere co-founder of Batter’s Box, along with fellow Blue Jays fan (and fellow lawyer) Craig Burley. The two of us were invited to join the existing blog of the incomparable Kent Williams, Da Box’s true founder.
Welcome aboard, Jordan! I look forward to your posts next week.
Connie Crosby
Shame on me for making Jordan do my work for me: I meant to thank Steve Matthews, whose brilliant idea this way, and failed to do it… unitl now. Thanks, Steve. Great idea, as usual.
I’m just happy you guys let me hang out. :-)