Additional FireFox Plugins for the Cornell LII Site

Robert Ambrogi’s Lawsites makes mention here of five FireFox plugins available at the Cornell Legal Information Institute Website that pop open search engines for easy searches of various parts of that site.

This further to Simon Fodden’s efforts here on SLAW (with, I think, help from SLAW readers) on the FireFox and Microsoft Internet Explore search plugins available on the SLAW Resources page to search the Canadian Legal Information Institute website.


  1. Jeong Chun phuoc

    As Firefox gears up for the Next Generation Internet superhighway, there will be vast improvement in terms of plugins that would work in sync with various legal research institute.

    In the race for global internet protocol compliance, I see a healthy competition between IE and Firefox.
    However, I believe Firefox stands a better chance of garnering global competitive acceptance compared to IE.

    Jeong Chun phuoc
    Jeong Chun phuoc