Do-Not-Call Registry in Canada on Its Way

A couple of weeks ago I blogged about the arrival of a do-not-call registry for mobile users in India. I considered whether I had missed something here in Canada, as it seemed to be that talk of the implementation of similar legislation for phone users in Canada happened ages ago but I’d heard nothing more of it. Although the legislative framework in ss. 41.1 to 41.7 of the Telecommunications Act received royal assent in November 2005, nothing had been done to implement the registry until yesterday, according to this CP story. Implementation is now underway with the CRTC’s release of a decision setting out a rules framework. The CRTC also yesterday issued this news release, which indicates that an RFP will be issued later this month.

Was Michael Geist‘s not-so-subtle nudge last week the impetus? In a further post today, Geist blogs about the release of the CRTC decision, including a brief summary of the rules and his suggestion that it will be well into 2008 before the legislation is implemented.

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