Launch of New Magazine: Precedent – the New Rules of Law and Style

I earlier commented on the blog called Precedent-The New Rules of Law and Style, as did Jordan Furlong, here.

Well, that site has now been revamped as part of the launch of a new magazine under the same name published by Law and Style Media Inc. and edited by Melissa Kluger (she was key in getting Ultra Vires, the U of Toronto law student law school paper off the ground).

I unfortunately missed the magazine launch last night since I was not feeling well. I suspect, however, the magazine will do well since it fills a gap by targeting younger lawyers (which no longer includes me, alas). The premiere issue had a number of interesting articles and pictures (including, as an example of a lighter topic, which law firms had the best food).

Best of luck to Melissa and her crew. I encourage others to consider this new publication. The magazine details on the first edition are here. At a minimum, I suspect law firms will want to advertise to target to that audience of younger lawyers (= target audience for possible new recruits).

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