Marketing Technology Trends – Law Practice Management
The American Bar Association’s Law Practice Management magazine, January/February 2008 issue focuses on marketing technology trends. Heavy emphasis on social networking tools such as LinkedIn, Facebook and podcasting. This is a selection from the full roster of articles:
Marketing Technology Trends
Today’s marketing arsenal features a vast array of tools—as well as technology practices that range from the truly cutting-edge to the archaic. Where does your firm fall on the scale? Here’s a look at some technologies that can really boost your business development efforts.
By John D. BowersTracking Law Firm Marketing Technology
What are the technology needs of today’s law firm marketing departments? What technology is working—and what is not? The recently released Law Firm Marketing Technology Survey tapped the collective knowledge of firm marketers.
By Sue Stock Allison and Leslie MeagleyWhat Can Marketing Directors Teach You?
Even if you are in a small firm or solo practice, knowing what technologies the larger firms are using will help you leverage your marketing.
by Merrilyn Astin TarltonPlacing Bets on Online Social Networking: A Story of Capital Invested Wisely in LinkedIn
Strategically navigated, social networking can be an invaluable business development tool with limitless potential. But you have to give as well as get to grow your capital on these sites.
By Renée BarrettOnline Networking for Fun and Profit
Quick tips for lawyers looking to dive into networking on sites like LinkedIn and Facebook.
By Christopher Batio
Ins and Outs of Social Networking for Lawyers: How Tough Is It to Cast Your Profile into Infinity?
Renowned legal bloggers and Web mavens Denise Howell and Ernest Svenson interact in a conversation that explores the dynamics—and the potential—of these sites.
By Denise Howell and Ernie SvensonBranching Out in the Lone Star State
The Texas Bar launches a social networking site that helps connect bar members.
By Tom MighellLaw Practice Case Study
Is CRM Worth It? The Pros and Cons of Client Relationship Management
A partner needs help deciding whether investing in a CRM system would be wise for his firm. Simon Chester, Doug Cornelius, Connie Crosby and Ross Fishman provide insight.
Lawyers on the Air: How to Get Started in Podcasting
Podcasts are great marketing vehicles, allowing you to demonstrate your expertise to a large audience. Here’s how to dive in.
By Sharon Nelson and John Simek
In particular, take note of the Law Practice Case Study Is CRM Worth It? The Pros and Cons of Client Relationship Management which Simon Chester and I contributed to.
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