Transcript Repository is in the business of putting litigation transcripts online and so making them accessible at any time from anywhere. It seems that sometimes when a public body holds an inquiry the transcripts are made generally available on Tscript, something I discovered when I was exploring the Ipperwash Inquiry. Every word in a transcript is indexed and linked to the pages where it occurs, the index appearing in a frame to the left of the document. (This might make searching awkward, depending on your browser; Safari searches both the text and the index; but if you have difficulty, you’ll likely be able to open the index in a separate window of its own by using the right-click menu of your browser.)
Here’s a list of the transcripts that are in the public repository:
Alberta Energy and Utilities Board
APEC Transcripts
Dehcho Land lease Planning Committee
Ipperwash Inquiry
Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board
Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board
Manitoba Public Utilities Board
Natural Resources Conservation Board
North Battleford Transcripts
Police Complaints Review
Rim Park Financing Inquiry
SARS Public Hearings
Toronto External Contracts Inquiry
Toronto Computer Leasing Transcripts
Walkerton Transcripts
Wek’eezhii Land and Water Board
Inquiry into Pediatric Pathology in Ontario
McMurtry Victim’s Compensation Review
Sahtu Renewable Resources Board
Northwest Territories Public Utilities Board
Wek’eezhii Renewable Resources Board
Seems to me that apart from being a valuable resource for anyone doing research in an area covered by a transcript, these could be valuable teaching tools for budding litigators.
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