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Evidence Week?
Previously I was not aware that the Supreme Court did theme weeks, but in what seems to be Evidence Week at the S.C.C., I noted, with interest, the following article in the Globe and Mail earlier this week: A chance encounter that might rewrite the rules by Kirk Makin. I have nothing to add to the commentary but given the significance of the case and the precedents involved, I thought I would do a little web 1.0 and provide the linking.
The Precedent, which has been cited over a thousand times in a little over 10 years:
R. v. Stillman, [1997] 1 S.C.R. 607
The case:
R. v. Grant, heard at the S.C.C.
R. v. Grant, (2006), 81 O.R. (3d) 1 (S.C.)
In addition to:
R. v. Kang‑Brown, 2008 SCC 18
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