
LawInfoChina offers a combination of free and subscription services to keep you up to date on Chinese law. Many of China’s regulations have been translated into English and can be searched here. As well there are notes on the Chinese legal system and doing legal research into Chinese law.

Curiously, I wasn’t able to find any links to RSS feeds. Perhaps I was looking in the wrong places. Which brings me to another criticism: the site is poorly laid out in my view — too busy, way too many red hyperllinks, and generally the kind of unlovely appearance we’ve come to expect from commercial legal databases.


  1. LawinfoChina has several compeitors in China, one of which is LegalStudio. (Note: I work for LegalStudio) LegalStudio offers 5 China legal know-how subscription services: Corporate, IP&IT, Tax, Environmental and Financial. All commentary (articles, law and case summaries, current awareness) is in English and Chinese and is well-translated. Full-text translations of major laws also included. The websites are well laid out, not cluttered, the search engine works well and is easy to use, and content is linked to other relevant content. Most foreign law firms and companies in China use LegalStudio. LegalStudio is just beginning to contact law libraries about taking free trials. If you would like further information, please email me at