Point-in-Time Legislation From a LII

AustLII is developing point-in-time legislation on their site! You can read about the project here.

In Canada, the Department of Justice Laws site has point-in-time legislation available back to Jauanary 2003 for acts and from March 22, 2006 for regulations.

e-Laws has Ontario period in time legislation available too.

The Alberta QPSource Internet paid site has point-in-time statutes back to January 1, 2002 for subscribers. Other legal publishers offer some point-in-time services too.

Wouldn’t it be great if other LII’s could offer point-in-time legislation for one stop shopping.


  1. hey Shaunna – congrats on becoming a contributor to slaw !

    last i heard, the CanLII folks are still working on a point-in-time service, but their particular brand of implementation requires a bit more time to simmer. i’m sure they’d be happy to hear that there’s an audience waiting for it …