Knowledge Management for Legal Professionals

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If you are working in KM, or perhaps just interested, and looking to share notes with others on this subject, Patrick DiDomenico, KM Manager of Debevoise Plimpton LLP in NYC, has started a Knowledge Management for Legal Professionals group in a few different online places (free registration required to see some or all of these):

If you are on any of these networking systems, please join us!


  1. Connie,
    Wow. Thanks so much for the post!
    Legal KM folks might also like this Netvibes page that aggregates a bunch of my favorite legal KM and technology blogs: .
    I haven’t updated it in a while, so if you would like me to add some of your favorites, please let me know (patrickdidomenico at gmail). The other tab on that site is for non-KM/tech legal blogs that I started building. There are only a couple on there right now, so again, feel free to suggest other legal blogs to add.

  2. Thanks, Patrick! I thought I had found all the spaces you had set up on the web. You’ve done a lot of work on this, so it would be great to have more folks join in.


  3. Hi Guys,
    cool that you’ve opened up all these new spaces for people to collaboration on KM, but wouldn’t it have been better to have just one (the others perhaps being references to that one) so that you don’t have to go to so many different places and so that you don’t have trawl through duplicate conversations? Seems wildly inneficent to me…

    Just my 2c (as an IT guy that spends his time trying to keep people from re-inventing the wheel and posting duplicate info all over our Intranet…)


  4. That’s a good question. I guess he didn’t know which space would be most likely used by this group. And they all function differently.

    I’m curious to know which you would have stuck with?

  5. Craig –
    Thanks for your comment. I couldn’t agree more. With the rise of so many networking sites, it is tough to choose. My goal was to do just what you mentioned – have several places for people to find out about the group, all of which point to a single place to collaborate. I thought that one platform would become more popular that the others and that would become the default place for collaboration. The problem has been that no one place has risen to the top. Now that LinkedIn has discussion forums, there has been some activity there. The LinkedIn Group has close to 800 members, and while some people use the discussion forums, it is a small percentage. Facebook has a great platform for groups (I think it is overall the best), but the KMLP group there has only about 110 members. I would love to hear your (and everyone else’s) thoughts about the the one best place for collaboration for this group. Please feel free to email me at patrickdidomenico [at] or twitter: didomenico.
    Speaking of Twitter, I am trying to encourage people to use the #KM hash tag when tweeting about knowledge management topics.

  6. I’m so glad about this. I am very new to KM. I am an attorney by profession, specifically a discovery lawyer, before I joined a regional firm here in Singapore. I am still learning the ins and outs of legal knowledge management and is very keen on learning more each day.