The Friday Fillip
I seem to think I go on a lot about food on the Friday Fillip — but that’s not the case, I discover. Maybe I’m simply always on about food in my head. At any rate, the fillip today is about a blog about food. The Internet Food Association is a relatively new cooperative blog that’s hit the big time lately. What caught my eye was the exchange on IFA about Alice Waters’ OpEd in the NYTimes about school lunches, something that interested me even before Jamie Oliver took on Brit-crap at English schools.
But I stayed for the casual, unearnest food talk generally. There are the obligatory “food porn” pics, part of the IFA Flickr pool. But for the mostpart the entries are refreshing, because, I think, the 10 contributors are young, with a tendency to irreverence. This is a good, in a field that than slide into pretension faster than an omelette can slide out of well-buttered pan. You won’t get many recipes here, perhaps, but you will get an enjoyable read. And that’s fare.
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