Slaw Is Now Moderating Some Comments

We have been the object of a number of phony comments that passed the reCaptcha test and the Akismet comment spam filter. Although we delete these annoyances as soon as we can, they go out on the comment RSS feed before we can stop them, unfortunately.

To prevent this we are now forcing some comments into moderation. The arrangement is that if you have ever had an approved comment on Slaw, your future comments will not be moderated. (We reserve the right to delete them, even so, if they offend our comment policy, set out in the next paragraph.) We will do our best to judge new commenters’ contributions as quickly as possible. As always, our registered members should comment while logged in.

We welcome comments, all of this anti-spam apparatus notwithstanding. We are happy to publish comments that are relevant to the post in question or to comments on the post, and that contribute to the discussion in a thoughtful manner. We do not publish comments that seek legal advice, that aim to promote a commercial product, or that are defamatory.

Comments are closed.