A Milestone

Slaw reaches 5000 posts. For a law blog that’s awesome, and for a Canadian legal information blog, unthinkable.

And we have been told just this week that we’ve been recognized by the Law Foundation of Ontario and will be receiving a grant which will permit us to take Slaw to even greater heights. Thank you Law Foundation.

Over the next few months we’ll unveil our plans and respond to unmet needs, through Slaw.

As many of you know Slaw is deliberately unhierarchical in its structure and operations. Steve Matthews, Connie Crosby and I form three parts of our loose four-person collective leadership.

But everyone should know that Slaw would not have thrived, as it has without the imagination, dedication and enthusiasm of Emeritus Professor Simon Fodden, who has spent thousands of hours tending to this venture, challenging us, maintaining Slaw smoothly and reaching out in so many ways.

To our loyal readers very many thanks. We welcome your presence, your reactions, your comments and your contributions. If you have ideas for Slaw or if you would like to submit a post for consideration, please let us know.

5000 posts! Onward and upward.SF


  1. Congratulations to the whole SLAW community! And special thanks to Simon for all the hard work and dedication. SLAW is an example that I use at every opportunity to illustrate the high quality that can be achieved in the blogosphere and the advantages of collaborative blogging.

    Looking forward to the new developments!

  2. Congratulations… I follow your blog religiously. It is very informative, well written and provides a ton of resources. Good job and continued long life!

  3. Fabulous – congrats to both Simons, Connie and Steve. Hard to miss a day of Slaw. I recall that when the Ministry of the Attorney General was going to set up its own website back in the mid-1990s, the Deputy AG thought immediately of retaining Simon F to advise. So his expertise has been around for as long as the Web itself, and longer. (He should not be held responsible for today’s MAG site, though.)

  4. Thank you for the kind words. It would all be nothing without the whole Slaw community: bloggers, columnists, regulars, guests, commenters and readers! I love that we have a multiplicity of views represented here, and that discussions vary from intense to light-hearted. I look forward to seeing what is next.