Custom Google Search of Canadian Law Firms
When I closed an old Google account over the weekend, it appears that I inadvertently deleted the Custom Google Search of Canadian law firms that I had created (and that I understand is used a fair bit by researchers).
I have created a new Custom Google Search of Canadian Law Firms, now at a new URL of:
Click here to see a sample search result on the phrase “fiduciary duties.”
The new site is free of ads and has more Canadian law firms included (now there are 51 or the larger law firms from across the country). I also hope to add some refinements to improve search results.
Please therefore update your bookmarks and feel free to forward this post within your organizations if you have previously forwarded the former (now defunct) link.
Others may not be aware of a parallel search engine for law firms called Fee Fie Foe Firm. This one allows for searching by jurisdiction, including USA, Canada, Australia, Ireland, UK, New Zealand, South Africa and Singapore. I have not compared mine to that one but will do so and report back.
Hi Ted,
Great and very useful posting. I’m curious if you considered using the form ** instead of* in your custom search? I don’t expect many lawfirms use sub-domains, such as, but if they do, I think they are excluded from your custom search (see the “Tips on formating URLs” on Google’s create custom search page:
Just curious,
– Russell Latham
Speaking of custom searches and outputs, do you if anybody has created a free-standing (and public domain) application to massage CanLII citation lists so that the output can quickly be turned into a case list, without the rest of the information that the CanLII result screen has?
It’s rather a surprise that CanLII hasn’t offered this yet.
Russell – thanks for your tip. I will look into that this evening. I recreated the search quickly last night when I realized the previous one was defunct. I was stumbling with the “refinements” feature and could not figure out an ability to filter full-text search results to filter only where words appear in the title.
Very useful.
If the maxim I Google Therefore I Am holds true, then it seems like I exist to Canadian law firms. Thanks to a Slaw post, of course.
Good to know.
Thanks Ted. News to me, and a pretty quick way of assessing SEO performance. Dan.
Great initiative, Ted, with developing this Google Custom Search tool. To help continue the conversation, I’ve posted a comparison of three search tools that search over content from Canadian law firms: your Google Custom Search, Fee Fie Foe Firm Canada, and Lexology.