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Slaw Retweets 14/02-10/03/10
Here’s a selection from the last few weeks of tweets that I and others think might interest those who don’t use Twitter or who don’t follow the authors of these tweets.The source is shown by the @xxxx at the end of the retweet. If none appears, it’s because I’m the source.
If you are on Twitter and read or publish something that you think we should re-broadcast here, simply include the hash tag #slawca in the tweet or retweet. If you’ve published something on Slaw, there’s no need to use that hashtag on Twitter: all it does is bring to our attention things we might not otherwise have seen.
- Don’t say I didn’t warn you about these random breath tests. I predicted this this way back in Oct. by Prutschi
- Legal Eve blog: And the Oscar Goes to… Logorama. Keeping lawyers up at night. by wiredcamellia
- RT @rhh Amazon opening a Canadian facility: by stevematthews
- RT @jasnwilsn: “Is there a future for law books?” <thoughtful and accurate
- RT @karensawatzky From VoxPopuLII: Environmentally-Friendly Citations by richards1000
- “A conversation with Dr. Ann Cavoukian” from “On the cutting edge” by karensawatzky
- RT @LawProf The IT Law Wiki has just passed 7500 entries. Check it out by conniecrosby
- The only legal entity among the UK's top 200 brands? The answer might surprise you: by jordan_law21
- RT @thetrialwarrior Access to Injustice: Pro Se Litigants, Civil Justice Reform and the Economics of Law
- @UTLaw was not like this. The kids from Western Law are keepin' it real, yo: by jacobglick
- RT @WSJLawBlog: On Working Mothers at Big Firms: A Blistering Critique
- “The 21st Century Law Library Conundrum: Free Law and Paying to Understand It” by rleiter
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