Bookmarklet for Google’s Real-Time Search
I mentioned in the previous post on the earthquake how useful it was to be able to get automatically updating reports more or less as soon as they were posted, thanks to Google’s real-time search results. You’ll likely know that all you need to do, once your Google search results are returned, is click “latest” in the menu to the left, to get time-ordered results that are dynamically refreshed, i.e. with no need to reload the page in the browser.
Even easier is to use the bookmarklet created by Marshall Kirkpatrick, the lead writer at You can find it on his blog or you can drag/move/copy what follows to your bookmarks bar: Real-time Search. As with many of these bookmarklets, you can either select a word or phrase from the page you’re on and then click the bookmarklet, or click it first and enter your search terms into the popup window.
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