Book on Developing a Digital Licensing Agreement Strategy
Does our museum need a digital licensing agreement policy?
May we post content on flickr, YouTube or Facebook?
What special concerns do Canadian museums face in licensing digital content on a global basis?
What fees should our museum collect for the use of its content on an organization’s Web site?
Who should be part of our negotiating team when licensing digital content?
These are a sampling of the many questions museums face when licensing digital content. Libraries, other cultural heritage institutions as well as law firms, governments and a variety of organizations are all faced with signing various license agreements for the use of digital content. This 2nd ed. of A Canadian Museum’s Guide to Developing a Digital Licensing Strategy provides guidance in the digital licensing sphere with a unique Canadian perspective. The book is published by the Canadian Heritage Information Network and available for free online here. Chapters are:
1-What is Digital Licensing Strategy?
2-Creating Your Strategy One Step at a Time
3-Speaking the Language
4-Your Win-Win Negotiations
5-Sample Licensing Clauses
6-Standard Clauses
7-Your Questions on Licensing
8-Time to License
Appendix A has a Licence Agreement Checklist.
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