What Does Your Boss Read?

There is a strong likelihood that a significant metric of Slaw readers are law firm associates. If this describes you (or if it doesn’t) you may want to consider a strategy that I have learned will help advance or secure your career: Read what your boss reads. First define who your boss is, or who you would like your boss to be. Next identify what the issues are that keep your boss awake at night. Monitor those topics and concepts. Be prepared to share what you find useful or interesting.

I am extremely lucky to have colleagues who send me interesting things that they think I should be aware of. I often get forwards from newspaper articles, TechnoLawyer, newletters from other law firms, clippings from the Economist, and bits and pieces from blogs that my lawyers think might be of interest to me, or my team, or other lawyers or practice groups. The Field Library is sharing central. Quite often what is forwarded to me, I have seen already. If you are from my firm, please keep sending me stuff. I am happy to have confirmation by duplication that I am monitoring (and sharing) what is important to the people I work with.

Today, one of my bosses sent me a recent article by John Gillies on Establishing Business Requirements for Enterprise Search Selection. It is available from John’s firm, Cassels Brock & Blackwell, and also from the new(ish) ILTA KM blog. Not only is this a well written piece that encourages thought about the topic, it offers a practical approach to the issue and links to background sources. I also understand from the receipt of it that I am not the only person in my organization thinking about this topic.

Do you know what your boss reads?

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