Orders-in-Council No Longer Tweeting

I am sorry to report that @ordersincouncil, a twitter stream with 318 followers and 25 listings seems to have gone silent. No ceremony, no fanfare, no last word, no announcement. The account sits, with a lovely background, the descriptive tagline “Monitoring updates to Privy Council Office listings of cabinet orders,” and a last tweet from May 2011.

I was among those who found tweets of federal Orders in Council extremely useful. I was happy to weed through tweets on government appointments and interesting tidbits like tax remission orders among the regulations and proclamation announcements that were of true interest to me.

I guess it’s back to the PCO Secretariat Orders in Council database search and monitoring the Canada Gazette as sources for this information.

I will miss you @ordersincouncil, you were a handy tool. I was hoping you were just on vacation.

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