Google Docs Introduces Page-Level Permissions

According to the Google Docs Blog today, they’re introducing the ability to control access to documents at the page level:

Using page-level permissions, you can make some pages private for certain users while keeping other pages public for everyone to see. For instance, let’s say you have a Google Site that you’ve shared with your team and your manager. You can allow your team to see one set of pages, let your manager edit another set of pages, and keep yet another set of pages private for only you.

As is usually the case with innovations, they’re not available right away on Google Apps.

This may appeal to some lawyers who make use of Google Docs, given the confidential nature of aspects of their working material and the various strategic considerations that can arise.

Good logo for the Docs Blog, by the way. I think it’s new.


  1. Just a quick note: Page-level permissions are available in Google Sites. As you say:

    they’re introducing the ability to control access to documents at the page level

    They’re introducing the ability to control access to pages in Google Sites at the page level.

    Also you say:

    As is usually the case with innovations, they’re not available right away on Google Apps.

    Page-level permissions are available in Google Sites right now. You just need to go to a page in Google Sites, click “More Actions > Sharing Permissions”, and you’ll then be able to enable page-level permissions.

    Hope this helps.