A Shameless Plug for CALLACBD 2012

Those of you on CALL-L will already know this, but the website for the annual conference was launched yesterday. It’s hard to imagine, but we’re already less than 90 days away from the start of the conference!

The Conference Planning Committee and the many volunteers for the subcommittees have been busy, but now the energy is really building! The program is set, social venues booked and we’ve submitted our request for decent weather.With the kind of weather we’ve been having in Toronto this winter, I have no idea what to expect in May.

Special thanks has to go out to our sponsors, who are unfailingly supportive of the Association.

The pdf version of the Registration form is on the site now, and we hope to have electronic registration activated in a very short time. The early bird closes March 16. so those of you with bureaucracies to deal with, start now.

I should also remind you that if you plan to stay at the Royal York, our conference hotel, and wish to have free wifi during your stay, you should register immediately for their President’s Club. Registration is free, and gets you internet access from your room without charge.Don’t forget to mention the conference’s name when you’re booking your room, so that you benefit from our guaranteed rate.

We’re so looking forward to seeing everyone May 6-9! Hope you can join us to explore the Towering Opportunities / Possibilités Immenses in Toronto!

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