Firm Guest Blogger: Harrison Pensa

It’s been a while since Slaw invited a law firm to blog with us for a week, but we’re happy to say that the firm of Harrison Pensa has agreed to help us break that fast. They’ll be joining our regular bloggers each day this coming week. Harrison Pensa LLP is a mid-size, full-service law firm headquartered in London, Ontario, with an office in Toronto. Known for its expertise in litigation and business law, Harrison Pensa also offers a strong consumer focus in family, wills and estate, and personal injury law.

Of course, you’ll recognized one member of the firm as Slaw’s own David Canton. And you’ll recognize these guest-blogging entries by the banner that will head each post:

It will always be hyperlinked to the recently renewed Harrison Pensa website, so go and have a look. Say hello.

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