Tenant Who Has Been Evicted From 6 Homes in 7 Years to Face Fraud Charges

Nina Willis has been evicted from 6 homes in the past 7 years. She is probably the perfect example of what Justice Matlow was thinking when he noted the:

growing practice by unscrupulous residential tenants to manipulate the law improperly, and often dishonestly, to enable them to remain in their rented premises for long periods of time without having to pay rent to their landlords.

Justice Matlow called for reform of Ontario’s residential tenancy laws. In the case of Nina Willis, Ontario’s residential tenancy laws were not able to protect the landlords she abused over the past 7 years. However, it is possible that the federal Criminal Code may prevent her from abusing any more landlords in the future.

According to the Toronto Star Willis was arrested in January for providing fraudulent cheques to at least two landlords, and for providing false employment information on her rental applications. Last Friday her trial was set for May of 2013. That leaves Willis with at least another 9 months to “duck the payment of rent to her current landlord”.

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