Announcing the “deClawedbies”

I’m pleased to announce the creation of the deClawedbies the Canadian law blog version of the “igNobles” – to be awarded annually on April 1 before noon (PST*).

Notwithstanding the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the right to nominate candidates for a deClawedbies will be restricted to “human” persons (as defined by Ontario civil procedure: see Joly v. Pelletier, [1999] O.J. No. 1728 [QL], 1999 CarswellOnt 1587, 1999 WL 33187845 (Ont. S.C.J.)) who maintained Canadian law blogs during the preceding lunar calendar (Jewish, Chinese or Mayan calendars) year who, if they participate, will be (1) limited to nominating one blog – their own – and (2) required provide the award category for which they’ve nominated the blog.

Voting would be on a rank voting system.

For example, I’d nominate my own blog as the blog least likely to be consulted by a sitting Supreme Court of Canada judge who intends to agree in public with anything I’ve written.
* To give the member(s) of the award committee more time to recover from the previous March 17th’s award meeting.


  1. What are the igNobles?