Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice – Call for Papers on Access to Knowledge

Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice
Call for Papers on Access to Knowledge

We invite submissions dealing with social justice in access to knowledge in the broadest sense. Without
limiting the scope of the subject-matter and its treatment, we would especially welcome timely and
topical papers that focus on access to knowledge and its intersection with development issues, cultural
rights, intellectual property rights, international human rights, international trade, open access publishing,
the A2K movement or any combination thereof. Deadline for submissions is MAY 31, 2013

Articles, case/legislation comments and notes, book reviews, or other manuscripts will be considered
for review. Manuscripts must conform to the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal. Manuscripts should be
submitted in electronic form as a Microsoft Word file.

Please see the Yearbook website at for submission guidelines and other

Read the full poster here.

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