Monday’s Mix
Each Monday we present brief excerpts of recent posts from five of Canada’s award-winning legal blogs chosen at random* from forty-one recent Clawbie winners. In this way we hope to promote their work, with their permission, to as wide an audience as possible.
This week the randomly selected blogs are 1. Legal Post Blog 2. Thoughtful Legal Management 3. Youth & Work 4. All About Information 5.
Legal Post Blog
Chief legal officers not so spooked about social media risk
A survey by the Association of Corporate Counsel reveals an interesting disconnect between top in-house lawyers and outside law firms on the significance of social media and anti-bribery laws. It has become common for law firms to publish client bulletins and conduct seminars for clients on the legal issues raised by social media and new anti-corruption statutes. Yet the issue doesn’t seem to be top of mind for the chief legal officers or CLOs at Canadian corporations…
Thoughtful Legal Management
Be a Doer not a Procrastinator!
Over on Small Firm Innovation, Gwynne Monahan has posed the following challenge: Write a post that describes what quick, uncomplicated, untechnological habits or practices make all the difference to your practice, in 100 words or less. OK…nothing like a challenge. So here goes…
Youth & Work
No Wage Ghetto: Unpaid Internships in Ontario’s Retail Sector
The growth of unpaid internships in Ontario’s labour market is alarming. Traditionally, the highest incidents of illegal unpaid internships have been found in the glamor industries (i.e. magazine publishing, public relations, media, and fashion), but increasingly we’re seeing a creep of these positions into both low-wage (i.e. hospitality, retail) and high-wage sectors (i.e. law, health-care).
All About Information
Government’s collection of census information does not breach Charter
On May 2nd, the Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan held that the federal government does not breach section 8 of the Charter by collecting census information under threat of prosecution.
Intersection Between Different Legal Areas
Case commented on: Basha v Lofca, 2013 ABQB 159. It is quite common for certain legal areas to intersect with others in cases that come before the courts. In the recent Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench case of Basha v Lofca, this intersection arose within the areas of immigration and family law.
In Basha, the Court had to decide whether a provision in a family court order requiring that three children not be removed from Alberta or Canada could block a removal order issued under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, SC 2001 c 27 (IRPA).
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