Older Law Society of Upper Canada CPD Materials Now Available Online Free of Charge

Ontario lawyers might be familiar with the Law Society of Upper Canada’s AccessCLE service, which is a database that provides electronic PDF access to papers and materials from LSUC events since 2004. Previously this service was pay-for-view.

However, the Law Society just announced that articles older than 18 months are now free of charge! Articles newer than the 18 month time frame will still be available on a pay-per-view basis, at costs ranging from $25.00 to $35.00 per article. Lawyers outside Ontario can access all these articles as well.

AccessCLE allows you to conduct a full text search, preview the entire text and select only the articles you want. These articles are a great place to find recent commentary, forms, and cases concerning current issues in the legal profession. You can search or browse them from the AccessCLE homepage , or alternatively through the Great Library’s integrated catalogue Infolocate.
More details about AccessCLE are available at: http://ecom.lsuc.on.ca/home/accesscle.jsp


  1. Well this is a pretty terrific boon for those of us with small practices!

  2. What a great idea.