Monday’s Mix
Each Monday we present brief excerpts of recent posts from five of Canada’s award-winning legal blogs chosen at random* from forty-one recent Clawbie winners. In this way we hope to promote their work, with their permission, to as wide an audience as possible.
This week the randomly selected blogs are 1. Legal Post 2. Le Blogue du CRL 3. Environmental Law and Litigation 4. Michael Geist 5. Legal Feeds Blog
Legal Post
Class-action suit against Pfizer Canada over anti-smoking drug Champix to proceed
OTTAWA — A class-action lawsuit against pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Canada over its anti-smoking drug Champix will proceed, an Ontario Superior Court has ruled. The Ontario court certified the class-action lawsuit in June 2012, but Pfizer sought leave to appeal the certification order. On Friday, lawyers for the plaintiffs, including Toronto-based firm McPhadden Samac Tuovi LLP, announced a judge has dismissed Pfizer’s appeal. . . .
Le Blogue du CRL
Une substitution de sûreté peut être obtenue par ordonnance de sauvegarde
Dans Sarailis c. Gestion Serge Roy inc. (2013 QCCS 2734), la Cour supérieure a accueilli la requête de la demanderesse pour faire émettre une ordonnance de sauvegarde et a ordonné la radiation immédiate de droits hypothécaires en contrepartie du paiement de la somme que la demanderesse estime garantie par les droits hypothécaires et du dépôt au dossier de la Cour du montant contesté. . . .
Environmental Law and Litigation
First 20 years of NAFTA: have any comments?
January 2014 will mark 20 years of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and its environmental side agreement, the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC). To celebrate, the Commission on Environmental Cooperation’s Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) is collecting information and comments on the first 20 years, for use in a 20th anniversary discussion 17–18 October 2013, in Washington, DC. . . .
Michael Geist
Was Nigel Wright BCE’s Source on Telecom Policy?
BCE CEO George Cope is claiming that the company approached the government with concerns about the forthcoming spectrum auction (as I note in this post, Bell has been a longstanding opponent of changes to the foreign investment rules and spectrum set-asides). BCE was particularly concerned with the potential for a large company like Verizon to enter the market as part of a set-aside. Cope says that the government assured him that would not happen and that the source was “the most senior bureaucracy in the country.” Leaving aside comments from Rogers Vice-Chair Phil Lind that the government is actively courting Verizon with trips to New York to convince them to enter the market and the public campaign from the Prime Minister’s Office to support greater competition, both of which seem to contradict such assurances, Cope’s comments raise the question of who provided the information. . . .
Legal Feeds Blog
Court seals docs in U.S. extradition case
When it comes to protecting the identity of confidential police informants, the appeal court made it clear yesterday that the courts would rather err on the side of safety. In XY v. United States, a case involving the extradition of a confidential informant to the U.S., the Ontario Court of Appeal chose to seal key documents related to the matter despite media outcry that the redaction of records was too sweeping. . . .
*Randomness here is created by and its list randomizing function.
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