IP Osgoode Videos of Symposium on “User-Generated Content Under Copyright Law”
IP Osgoode has put online a series of videos of the panel discussions held during their symposium on User-Generated Content (UGC) Under Canadian Copyright Law held at Osgoode Hall Law School a month ago. You can see all six of the videos on the IPOsgoode site or view them on YouTube, the links for which are below:
- Video I: Practical Examples of UGC – Daniel Rosen, Gordon Duggan, Victor Nabhan (Panel Chair)
- Video II: Legal Aspects of UGC – Victor Nabhan, Samuel Trosow, Leonard Glickman, Pina D’Agostino (Panel Chair)
- Video III: Specific UGC Legal Aspects – Eva Subotnik, Marian Hebb, Carys Craig (Panel Chair)
- Video IV: Contractual Practices – Eric Baptiste, Tanya Woods, Omid McDonald, Ikechi Mgbeoji (Panel Chair)
- Video V: International Law Aspects – Barry Sookman, Joost Bloom, David Vaver (Panel Chair)
- Video VI: Concluding Remarks – Victor Nabhan
According to Wikipedia, “user-generated content”:
reflects the expansion of media production through new technologies that are accessible and affordable to the general public. All digital media technologies are included, such as question-answer databases, digital video, blogging, podcasting, forums, review-sites, social networking, social media, mobile phone photography and wikis. In addition to these technologies, user-generated content may also employ a combination of open source, free software, and flexible licensing or related agreements to further reduce the barriers to collaboration, skill-building and discovery (“‘UGC'”) has also gained in popularity over the last decade, as more and more users have begun to flock to social media and “‘content-based'” sharing sites.
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