The Story Continues: The Authors Guild v Google Inc
Nearly missed in the relative quietude of late December was opening of the next chapter in the ongoing Google Books litigation. As it promised it would, The Authors Guild Appeal initiated an appeal of Justice Denny Chin’s judgment (which substantially dismissed The Authors Guild’s summary judgment motion and granted Google’s motion). Michel-Adrien Sheppard wrote about that ruling back when it was released back in November.
On December 23, The Authors Guild filed its bare-bones Notice of Appeal (uploaded to Scribd by infoDOCKET) of Justice Chin’s judgment.
Publishers Weekly wrote (Dec 30) a nice summary of the litigation thus far, tying it to the related proceedings and rulings in The Authors Guild’s suit of HathiTrust. The news curation site Circa offers a good, brief roundup of the history of the litigation via news reporting of it.
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