The Court, and SCC News Releases
My Supreme Court of Canada news releases subscription told me that The Court heard Loyola High School, et al. v. Attorney General of Quebec (read the summary at Docket 35201) yesterday.
I look on this case with intellectual interest from the perspective of someone who convinced my (public school) Jr High principal that we should have French as our option rather than Religion. There were 27 kids in my Jr High School and we all had the same ‘option’. My younger brother who shared a classroom and teacher with me though he was a grade younger is still mad at me. I have also forgotten much of the French I diligently studied.
The Court – that lovely blog from Osgoode that discusses the SCC has a post from 2012 discussing the Loyola High School case.
At a future date will see what The Court has to say about the Charter and the freedom of conscience and religion. Today, you have lots of links in this post to help you stay aware of the doings at the SCC, including subscribing to news releases by email or RSS.
Personally, I look forward to Eugene Meehan’s recap of the decision in a future Supreme Advocacy LLP newsletter though I will look for a tweet from @SupremeAdvocacy as well. Maybe my regular twitter search for the #SCC hashtag will yield something interesting though I accept that there will be irrelevant noise with this hashtag. There is plenty of tweeting while hearings are happening – likely from live Webcasts.
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