Monday’s Mix
Each Monday we present brief excerpts of recent posts from five of Canada’s award-winning legal blogs chosen at random* from sixty recent Clawbie winners. In this way we hope to promote their work, with their permission, to as wide an audience as possible.
This week the randomly selected blogs are 1. Canadian Securities Law 2. Avoid a Claim 3. 4. University of Alberta Faculty of Law Blog 5. Double Aspect
Canadian Securities Law
CSA publish guidance on implementing OBSI dispute resolution mechanism
The Canadian Securities Administrators today released guidance to assist registered dealers and advisers outside Quebec, which are now required to make the services of the Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI) available to clients. As we discussed last year, . . . .
Avoid a Claim
Protecting Yourself from Cybercrime Dangers: Beware the Dangers of BYOD and the Family Computer
Cybercrime dangers are many, complex and ever-changing. Hardly a day goes by without another news report of a data breach or other cyber-related scam or theft. Cyber criminals have considerable resources and expertise, and can cause significant damage to their targets. . . . .
The Statutory Exclusion of Farm Workers from the Alberta Labour Relations Code
This is the second in the series of four posts written by students in Law 696: Constitutional Clinical in the winter term of 2014. This post focuses on the exclusion of farm workers from Alberta’s Labour Relations Code . . . .
University of Alberta Faculty of Law Blog
Falafel Index
The Economist magazine many years ago had coined the Big Mac index (someone else may have originated it, but they used to publicize it) to measure differences in purchasing power of currencies across countries. It turns out Big Macs aren’t that populare in the middle east, but falafels are. . . . .
Double Aspect
Aveuglement volontaire
Radio-Canada rapporte que le gouvernement du Parti québécois n’a jamais obtenu un avis juridique formel des avocats du Ministère de la justice au sujet de la constitutionnalité de son projet de Charte de la honte. . . . .
*Randomness here is created by and its list randomizing function.
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