Tips Tuesday
Here are excerpts from the most recent tips on SlawTips, the site that each week offers up useful advice, short and to the point, on technology, research and practice.
Use Hidden Level App on Your iPhone to Hang Pictures
Dan Pinnington
You can never trust your eye when it comes to hanging pictures or other similar situations when things have to be level. But no need to run to the toolbox – just grab your iPhone. Open the Compass app, swipe to the left and bingo, you have a handy level that will help you hang a stubborn picture that just doesn’t seem to want to hang correctly on the wall.
Look for Open Source Texts
Shaunna Mireau
I like to think I know about all kinds of sources – partly because I usually remember what I share. Sometimes I just miss things though. Today’s Tip could come with the Beatles as the background music: I get by with a little help from my friends. Thanks to my new colleague Josette McEachern, who posted on the Edmonton Law Libraries Association Blog, I now know that there is an open…
Golden Moment: Handling Client Complaints
David Bilinsky
Jo DeMars, of NetNeutrals ( spoke at the 2014 Online Dispute Resolution Forum at Hastings College of Law at the University of California in San Francisco. This post is based on her most excellent presentation on Wednesday June 25, 2014. While her comments were presented in the context of resolving disputes that arise in e-commerce, her advice applies to virtually any consumer complaint, including client complaints regarding legal services….
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