CALL/ACBD 2015 Call for Program Submissions
The Canadian Association of Law Libraries’s 2015 conference program committee has put out a call for program submissions. The conference is to be held May 3 – 6, 2015 in Moncton, New Brunswick.
TURNING THE TIDE / RENVERSER LA MARÉE is the theme for the CALL/ACBD 2015 conference. The extended economic downturn has had wide-ranging effects on law libraries and the practice of law librarianship. We will explore ways in which libraries are confronting the new economic realities and are successfully turning the tide. We will examine ways in which we can improve all our various environments, from the micro work-office level to the macro industry level. In keeping with our theme, we also plan to make environmental law the focus of our substantive law sessions. We will see how law and law libraries can be transformative in nature and will look to the future to develop solutions ahead of the waves.
CALL/ACBD is introducing a new session format to the conference. In addition to the more traditional 60- or 90-minute sessions, we would like to hold a round of Lightning Talks! This is your chance to tell us, in 7 minutes or less, about an interesting project your workplace has undertaken, an interesting resource or tool you have recently discovered, or anything else you think might be of interest to your law library colleagues. Be creative, punchy, and entertaining – 7 minutes goes quickly!
Program proposals will be accepted until October 20, 2014 and everyone will be notified by December 10th if programs have been accepted.
2015 program proposal submissions are being taken here or visit the 2015 conference webpages.
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