
Summaries Sunday: Maritime Law Book

Summaries of selected recent cases are provided each week to Slaw by Maritime Law Book. Every Sunday we present a precis of the latest summaries, a fuller version of which can be found on MLB-Slaw Selected Case Summaries at

This week’s summaries concern:
Administrative law – Courts – Family Law – Civil Rights – Criminal Law – Practice

Strickland et al. v. Canada (Attorney General) 2015 SCC 37
Administrative Law – Courts – Family Law
Summary: The applicants applied for judicial review under s. 18 of the Federal Courts Act, seeking to have the Federal Child Support Guidelines declared ultra vires the Divorce Act. The Attorney General of Canada moved to have the application dismissed. The Federal Court, in a decision reported 432 F.T.R. 152, granted the motion and dismissed the judicial review application. The court held that there was concurrent jurisdiction between it and the provincial superior courts …

R. v. Webster (P.A.) 2015 BCCA 285
Civil Rights – Criminal Law
Summary: The police arrested a woman for a dial-a-dope trafficking offence. A search of the woman’s cellular telephone revealed two telephone numbers for a person called “Dru Boss Man”. The police believed he was the woman’s drug supplier. The police obtained a production order under s. 487.012 of the Criminal Code and obtained several historical text messages. Surveillance was organized respecting the suspected drug supplier (the accused). The lead police investigator, who lived in the same …

Hyra v. Manitoba et al. 2015 MBCA 55
Barristers and Solicitors – Criminal Law – Practice
Summary: Hyra was convicted of criminal harassment. He sued the Province of Manitoba and the Crown Attorney who prosecuted the charge against him (the defendants), alleging negligence, violations of the Charter, discrimination, violation of the Professional Code of Conduct, intimidation and harassment. He sought damages of $12,000,000 plus an additional $100,000 for each month after service of the statement of claim. The defendants moved to strike out the statement of claim on the …

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