First Global Cannabis Law Report – It Had to Happen

Former columnist and online legal publisher Sean Hocking has just launched his new Cannabis Law Report. From his base in Hong Kong, Sean has created Your Global Resource on Cannabis Law, Regulation and Cases . He describes it as the first service to document legal information about cannabis worldwide.

While I am sceptical about “global legal publishing initiatives” in general, this one may take hold. Sean has got both the timing and the content right.

None of this is rocket science but it’s all moving at a rapid pace as you know today in Canada and the states in the United States aren’t mucking around – I think it’ll be like LGBT marriage – the floodgates are open, and there’s action in Columbia and Mexico, so I think we will see a worldwide change in the next 12 months – a tsunami of legalisation / legislation with obviously the medical side moving faster than the recreational and the business opportunities are enormous.

So we will be drilling into legal stats etc on state and federal level, also municipal and local, and cases as core content, but also updated news and things like law firm directories (cleverer versions of) – you know the score, basically take the one subject and do all the usual on it, but also start doing some cleverer tech things to aid big firms who haven’t really thought about the subject – to advise them how to start a practice – then supply them the content to maintain it and then all the usually supplementary so they can be informed and network. The more confusion that reigns the better for us.

As you can see from his comments, Sean’s belief in and enthusiasm for the new Cannabis Law Reports is unbridled. He has both the experience and the team to make it work. It is this combination that produces great results. Check it out at (


  1. There goes BC’s only toe hold in the global legal publishing context. Can’t believe Hong Kong beat us to the punch.