Best Guide to Canadian Legal Research Sustained

I was delighted to see the announcement that Catherine Best’s fantastic work at will continue on under an excellent editorial board after her retirement. Catherine generously donated the site to CanLII and the site has been renamed The Canadian Legal Research and Writing Guide.

What a fabulous legacy.

The Best Guide is one of those resources that act as a starting point for fresh legal researchers, a reminder for the occasional researcher, and a review for the experienced. It is a frequently referred to resource in student training programs, including the Edmonton Law Libraries Association HeadStart program, which, with Catherine’s generous permission, has included portions of it in the student handout package.

Personally, I am delighted for Catherine and congratulate her on her retirement. Professionally, I am delighted that this accessible service will continue under the guiding hand of the editorial board. Congratulations also to those taking up this challenge:

Melanie Bueckert is Legal Research Counsel with the Manitoba Court of Appeal in Winnipeg. She has written several legal textbooks, teaches Advanced Legal Research at the University of Manitoba’s Faculty of Law, and is also a contributor to

Maryvon Côté is Acting Head at the Nahum Gelber Law Library at McGill University in Montreal. He is active on the Canadian Association of Law Libraries executive and writes on legal research topics.

Yasmin Khan is the Head Librarian at the City of Toronto Law Library. She has just finished a Master’s of Science, Information and Knowledge Strategy from Columbia University.

Mandy Ostick is the Manager, Library Services at Bull Housser in Vancouver. She has had previous positions as the Law Librarian at Thompson Rivers University and Director of Library Operations at Courthouse Libraries BC.

Jennifer Taylor is a Research Lawyer at Stewart McKelvey in Halifax. She is a regular contributor of case comments for Stewart McKelvey Publications; CanLII Connects; and the CBA’s National Magazine blog, and has published several articles in legal journals and newsletters. She also presents on topics related to legal research within the firm and in the local legal community.


  1. This is good news! Best wishes, Catherine, for your retirement

  2. Shaunna and Neil, thanks for your kind words and good wishes.

    I can’t think of a better outcome for the Best Guide to Canadian Legal Research than to find a home at CanLII. I am excited to see how the site develops under the guidance and contributions of this accomplished editorial board.

    Thanks to Sarah and Xavier at CanLII for making it happen.

    My retirement from law has allowed me to devote more time to music. I love playing and singing jazz and swing standards, and finally have time to practise! And I walk at the beach a lot. :)