Tips Tuesday
Here are excerpts from the most recent tips on SlawTips, the site that each week offers up useful advice, short and to the point, on research and writing, practice, and technology.
Research & Writing
Deep Links to Paragraphs in CanLII Judgments
Bronwyn Guiton
A short tip today to remind you that you can deep link to a specific paragraph for most judgments on CanLII. This is helpful when you want to bring a colleague’s attention to specific paragraphs in a judgment. Each decision on CanLII has a permanent URL, which will look like this: …
From Wallflower to Active Participant on Social Media
Sandra Bekhor
I’ve noticed lawyers pop into LinkedIn or Twitter once in a blue moon and then completely disappear. If that’s you and you’d like to figure out how to enjoy some of the benefit others have found on social media, here are a few tips to get you started: …
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